Magic Trixter FoX

Magic Trixter FoX

Monday, March 26, 2012

The Garden is the Earth

I was rejoiced in Spirit when I heard a Preacher say:
"How interesting that God planted a Garden at the beginning of time!
He could have chosen a Forest, or a Mountain or a Village for our first Home.
Instead, He grew us in a Garden."
The Preacher paused there.  She did not expound further.  She left us to Think It Over.

Well, Think it Over.
What is a Garden to us?
Why is it so Important?

I have known for some time that the Garden was something holy.  Jesus prayed in the Garden, and Adam & Eve made Love in it.  And I suppose I had some idea as well of how necessary Gardens are to our very survival.  And I had some idea of how Nutritious a good Garden is for our bodies.  I had the dimmest notion, also, that it could be Nutritious for our Spirits.  Nevertheless, the Garden was a concept for me, and something to wonder at.

Now I work in a Garden, may Live in a Garden.
I understand that a Garden is a Community.
It is Life itself.
Nothing so clearly and eloquently demonstrates the great Truth that All is Interconnected
as does a Garden.

What hurt Adam & Eve hurt the Garden.  What hurt any Creature of the Garden hurts them all.
In a Healthy, rather than a Hurting, Garden, I will be concerned for even the Earthworms.  They are aerating the Soil.  They help the Plants.  I must help the Worms.  Every species interaction is the opportunity to see a Circle between yourself and that other being.  If I can see a Circle between myself and the Earthworm, myself and fellow Gardeners, myself and members of the CSA to which the Garden belongs, myself and the Frost that is coming, myself and every other force, then I will be seeing how the Garden Herself sees.

From this realization one understands that the Garden is Alive, and is Personal.  She is a composite of thousands of Individuals but nevertheless She is Single.  She has decided interests, Her Life has a drama, you can even feel Her Pulse.

And then when you look out from there, you can also realize: the Garden Herself is part of a 'Something Larger.'  Something that extends across every boundary of town & even Nation: the Garden is the Earth!  And we are Eve & Adam.  We need these Trees and we need these Animals.  We need every Herb bearing Seed, & they need us.  They need Us as We Truly Are, not Us as we've devolved to be.  The Gardeners must Return, because without them there's no Balance.

Real Humans are what's needed, not those whose Lives are entirely in the superficial, the indoor, the transitory, the consumptive, the techno-crazed, the media-junkie.

Real Humans, and lots of them.  There's work to be done H.E.R.E.

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