Magic Trixter FoX

Magic Trixter FoX

Sunday, January 27, 2013

On Crystals

I have gained quite a collection of Crystals recently, and have been discovering Ways to Use Them.  I spent the majority of my Life not even the slightest bit curious about Crystals, but the past Year or so quite by accident I have been discovering their Value and Helpfulness.

My first memory of being "drawn" to a Crystal was when I was a First Grader.  I accompanied my Dad to the Mall where there was a New Age kiosk that had a bunch of shiny rocks.  I was a kid and I liked shiny things, but I remember handling a quartz Crystal and feeling very much like I wanted to have it.  My Dad was inclined to buy it for me, however, his perusal of a few of the books at the New Age kiosk bothered him.  Some of the things printed, specifically about Crystals, did not sit well with his own religious beliefs (those of a Pentecostal minister).  He explained to me that he knew I liked the Crystal, but he was concerned that they were used by "the occult" and he did not wish to bring anything with an evil stamp upon it into our home.   Although I was only seven, I was accustomed to that type of logic and I accepted what he said, and put Crystals out of my mind.

I lived a great deal after that and had many, many experiences which served to break me out of the rigid Evangelical mold.  I have remained a Christian but as my creed has been re-invented and re-applied to my Life, and as I have befriended people of many religions and learned to see our differences as enlightening rather than threatening, I came to know a lot of great People who afforded Crystals a special reverence.  Still, their preoccupation with Crystals was a bit foreign to me until my friend Virginia gave me my very first Crystal.  Virginia is a farmer, and she turned over a magnificent quartz point in the soil as she was tilling.  She said she somehow felt it was special, and that it was for me.  She gave it to me and I began to carry it in my pocket.  Over time, it grew on my mind.  I came to love simply handling it or having it around.  I could not explain why, but when I left my house, if I did not have my Crystal, I had a feeling of being without it, similar to when one is without their wallet or their cell phone.

I was camping out in my tent in the back pasture of a biodynamic farm one night last Spring when I had my Crystal with me.  I intuitively felt that the right thing to do with it was to place it upon my Third Eye Chakra, which is the spot between the Eyes on the Forehead.  I laid down on the floor of my tent and placed the Crystal on my Third Eye and began to meditate, not knowing why I was doing it.   In less than a minute laying that way, I felt the Crystal "activate" and a pulsing Energy seemed to move through it and into my Body.  I felt it relieving minor aches and pains, I felt it recharging my mental faculties, and I felt a coldness from it that seemed cleansing and clarifying.  The sensation was so pleasurable I did not want to remove the Crystal, and ended up falling asleep in that position that night, and my dreams were also incredibly enjoyable.  Puzzled by this experience, I went to a computer that morning and looked up a bunch of New Agey pages on Crystals.  I discovered that a principal way they are used is, indeed, in laying them on one's chakras.  Quartz crystals, specifically, can be used on the Third Eye.  Other people described similar sensations when they used Crystals.  The fact that I had independently discovered this information before reading it on the Internet or hearing it from anyone was a convincing proof to me that I had indeed been led to perform this action by a Higher Intelligence, perhaps coming from the Cosmos, or perhaps coming from the Crystal itself.

Following that event I began to read a little of the philosophical works of Rudolph Steiner, the founder of biodynamic farming and of the Anthroposophical position on Life.  Steiner actually had a lot to say about Crystals, saying that they were charged with the forces of the Moon, Planets, and Stars, and that they helped charge and enliven the Soil, helped to grow plants, helped to correct Energy Fields, and that the Mineral Kingdom is what binds creatures of the Earth to the Heavenly Beings.   Steiner afforded the "influence" of Celestial Bodies, as conducted by Crystals and Minerals of the Soil, a very high place in Agriculture.

The idea of having not just one but Seven Crystals to lay across all of my chakras began to make me curious.  I asked the Universe to start letting more Crystals flow into my Life if indeed I was supposed to be learning about them.  One night, staying in my cottage on the biodynamic farm, I felt compelled to look through a chest of personal treasures that I keep with me.  It contains many things I have found in the Woods on meditative walks, and also things that like-minded friends have brought me back on travels all around the World.  There is mud from the hot springs of California in a case in this treasure chest, and many other interesting things.  I had not remembered placing them there, but on that night I discovered 13 smaller quartz points.  Their appearance, to me, seemed a bit miraculous, as I had no memory of ever collecting crystals before.

My girlfriend also gave me a number of Crystals for Christmas this Year.  And recently, I bought a few more at an antique store.  I now have around 30 crystals, all different types, and I have discovered even more ways to use them.  I have indeed tried the exercise of laying seven different crystals on my seven chakras.  I have also done so while lying on a grid of larger crystals.  Whenever I perform such an action, I get a very lively sensation of energy pulsating through me, from each of my chakras all connecting to one another and to the root of the Earth energy itself.

I mention these experiences on this blog because I would like to encourage others to experiment with the uses of Crystals.  I have read all sorts of crazy things about what crystals could potentially do, if we understood them better.  I think it is misguided to characterize the use of crystals as pertaining to "the occult" or to any kind of dark "spirits."  I do believe that the basis of all existence is supernatural: I do have what is called a "supernaturalist" bias, and I do agree that Crystals can be a vehicle for spirits of the Earth.  However, I do not believe that Crystals, which grow like plants deep in the heart of the Earth, subject to great pressures and transformations, in any way stand for something evil or malignant.  Crystals are Creations of God, quite beautiful ones, in fact, and even the book of Revelation describes their usage in the New Jerusalem as gateway stones.  It is also known to science that stressed pieces of quartz create small voltages of electricity.  This is known as the piezoelectric effect.  Rudolph Steiner was convinced that the use of crystals would benefit plant growth and today there is a recognized usage of quartz, malachite, and moss agate, among others, in gardening.  Finally I have read about ancient societies that used crystal technology to do things far beyond what we are normally ready to attribute to our ancients.  The ancient capstones to the pyramids may have been powerful crystals, and according to one writer (Carlos Barrios) these may have formed an energy grid across the world's surface that would be far superior to our own, were we to resurrect it.  Certainly, a lot of things about Crystals are highly speculative; however, I cannot deny the things which I myself have experienced, and I have experienced a definitive positive effect when I use Crystals on my Chakras.  I believe that with proper organic diet and ample outdoor exercise, the regular use of Crystals on a person's chakras will keep that person balanced and healthy, and radiating Light to all those around him or her.

Why do they work?  I believe that housed in every bit of matter on this planet, especially such matter as manifests itself in rock or crystalline form, is a bit of the essence of Mother Earth.  And yes, I believe that the Earth is a living, breathing Person of the Female Sex, a Mother to us all, but not equal to Her Creator, Jehovah.  Mother Earth is a groaning Creation that looks to Her Human Children for proper stewardship and renewal, but alas, She is a Mother who is neglected, abused, and displeased.  Listening to Her and tuning to Her Energies is beneficial for all People in this Time so that they can wake up and be part of the solution to ease Her afflictions.  Perhaps through Crystal Meditations you will learn to also feel Her Heart.  (Earth and Heart have the same letters, by the way).

If you choose to start using Crystals for yourself, here are a few further observations I have found to be true.  First, setting your Crystals out in the light of the Moon to charge on a regular basis will work wonders on their effectiveness.  My quartz point and I are rather in tune to each other, and I know that there are times when it is too "zapped" to be of much good to me.  It is at those times that I am careful to put it somewhere dark and let it rest undisturbed, until a night of good Moonlight when I can set it out on the porch to soak in the beams.  The ideal thing to do is to leave Crystals out at sunset on the night of a Full Moon, then recollect them at Dawn.  But it is not necessary to keep them out all night, nor is it even necessary that the phase of the Moon be full.  It is optimum, but not necessary.  Any moonlight will partially charge a Crystal.

Also, if your Crystal has a point it is best to be mindful of how you place that point when you are drawing Energy from it.  Points should point up, and the "roots" should point down.  This has the effect of bringing up Earth energy and bringing down heavenly.  Reversing it tends to complicate the flow.

Lying with your head facing magnetic North is the best way to lie.
Adding two small crystals in the palm of each hand further enhances the experience of lying with crystals on your seven chakras.
When you place your crystals on your chakras, you should pay more attention to your own body and your intuitive sense of it than you should any diagram of the seven chakras.  The seven chakras may be slightly differently placed on each person.  I prefer to lie on top of the crystals for my first and second chakras, but lay the ones for chakras 3-7 on top of me.

I believe that the best crystal meditations are on bare ground with bare skin.  However, that may not appeal to all people.  I simply suggest limiting distracting sounds, especially from TVs or radios.  Play some very soft instrumental music or listen to birdsong coming in from outside.  Meditate on the coolness you feel around each crystal and enjoy the pulsing energy sensation you will get when you perform the action correctly. Also, please, if indeed these ideas are new to you, and you choose to try them out, write back to me and let me know how your experiment went.



  1. I love this! and I love that I was just experiencing many of these things internally moments before reading. yay you, yay me, yay crystals and their magical energy! <3

  2. Really enjoy reading about your experiences here. You share in a structured yet fluid way that I think is really palatable to both "new agers" and people who are unfamiliar with some of this information. I've had many similar experiences with crystals in the past 2 years & this post was a good reminder to get back in touch with my sparkly powerful healer friends. :)
