Magic Trixter FoX

Magic Trixter FoX

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Stop the Clock

Stop the Clock, its the End Times
Not enough minutes left to see the Design
How can I perceive?
What should I believe?
About God, Hell, Eternity?  No guarantees.
To try and make up my mind
While on this side of the grave
Takes a whole lot of unknowing,
Takes a whole lot of brave.
I just want to see Justice.
I just want to see Peace.
But who do I cheer for?
The punks or police?
Marriage equality or the book of Leviticus?
When I stand before God,
I hope I've done my due diligence.
I hope my conclusions are completely sincere.
And I hope that His judgments are kind, not severe.
I hope for a Kingdom of Joy and of Plenty,
I hope that the Voice I hear inside is not empty.
Because war could be coming,
and I'm still so young.
My life as a father has only begun.
I admit I don't know much,
I admit I need help.
I'm just trusting in Jesus
And doubting myself.
But is Jesus on my side?
Am I on His?
I confess to Him daily.
Is more needed than this?
Sometimes I cannot believe He accepts me.
And yet
He responds when I call Him.
And I can't forget
The many blessings He's given.
My wife and my boys.
Direct answers to prayers.
My heart's deepest joys.
I'm thankful!
And seek only
To honor these gifts.
And so as the Earth turns,
As the World shifts,
As everything changes,
To just this I'll cling:
The kind, lowly Jesus
Rules Everything.
His eyes are on the poor,
His heart is only Love,
His hands are grace and mercy.
Christ please come from Above
And show your poor church and your world how to act.
We'll believe You at last,
On the day You come back.