Magic Trixter FoX

Magic Trixter FoX

Saturday, April 30, 2011


Big Loud Omnipotent Overwhelming Mid-Spring!

This is not a Year for Planting. 
We are a T.R.I.B.E. on the M.O.V.E., so we don't plant, we gather.
Gather!  Reap in Joy!  These are words of Jubilee...

The Year of the FoX is the Year of the Tiger... and this is the Year of Jubilee!
All D.E.B.T.S. have been canceled.
All L.I.M.B.S. are made W.H.O.L.E.
Restoring of SIGHT to the BLIND.                          (5 letter words in HONOR of the FIFTH MONTH)
Restoring of LIFE to the MIND.

You are Wrong, Angry Warriors, when you think your Battle's LOST.
We Win when we're courageous.
Its having HOPE that makes us Strong.
Do not Accept Defeat.
Do not sigh and say 'It's Over,' 'we could not save our Planet,' 'we are Doomed.'  There is BLOOM instead of DOOM!  There is LOVE instead of HATE.  There is Freedom on Earth available to All... there is Something in His Embrace...

Now is not the time for FIGHT.  Now is not the time for BICKER.  Now is not the time for LEFT or for RIGHT.  It is not time now for RELIGION or SCIENCE.  It is Time for Each and All.  It is Time for Life and Strength.  It is time for Uplifting and PEace.

OPEN EYES.  Look about You.
Planet Groaning, People Hurting.
A million things you can do to give aid, give help, give strength, give succour.
Comfort the Weak, Cherish the Strong.
You possess unlimited LOVE as long as you have the simple ability, to SMILE.  Smile More, It is Healthy!  Smile More, It is Wise!  Smile LIFE, Smile HAPPY, Smile Smile Smile after a while. 
Smiling?  You Possess It!  Be Proud Of!  And Use!

You, Whomever You Are...  YOU are an Untapped Resource.  For  Healing Our Earth!  You're a RAKE or a SHOVEL, a HOE or an AXE.  Place Yourself Now in the Hands of G.O.D. for the Planting of His Garden in the Vineyard of the Earth. 

Everything gets Better, I promise, I assure You...
BLOOM instead of DOOM
Give Chase, Have VALOR, be STRONG!


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